Mudita // Body & Hair Oil

\\ Mudita body and hair oil \\

Mudita is an uplifting blend of four essential oils:

Rose to touch the heart
Geranium for a feminine embrace
Lemongrass for ascended inspiration
Vetiver for earthy grounding

Together, they create an atmosphere of tenderness and inspiration.

These four essential oils are are mixed together in high quality jojoba oil which will leave the skin and hair nourished and shiny.

\\ 4oz glass bottle with a glass dropper \\

Mudita means "joy" in Sanskrit. But not just any kind of joy... Mudita is a limitless joy that takes the sweetest gratification in the pleasure of all, ourselves and others. This joy knows no bounds. This is the energy of the 108 Mudita essential body oil blend.

.. Truly a scent for everyone ..
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